The Pfeffer-Beach Family Student Store
The Pfeffers’ home, nicknamed “East o’ the Sun,” has the weathered-board finish of a typical Cape Cod address and an interior atmosphere that announces to observant visitors that this is truly a family place. And the first stop on my visit there on a lovely summer morning provided solid evidence that this is “Hug-a-Me’s” and “Poppy’s” little corner of Heaven.
“Come, I want to show you the island,” said John Pfeffer, as he led me—not out to the water’s edge—but rather into their sunny, open kitchen and family room area.
The “island” was of the kitchen-counter top variety, adorned with family photos and jigsaw puzzles (one, nearly completed, a photographic likeness of grandson Myles Beach ’13). Once there, I was introduced, via smiling portraits, to the Pfeffers’ children and grandchildren, each described with great pride and endearing anecdotes. We spent a few moments catching up on the summer adventures of Myles, a rising ninth grader and student leader, and how much he has grown—literally and figuratively—during his time at Cardigan. Linda explained the origin of “Hug-a-Me,” Myles’s term of endearment for her.* He had loved the way she would lift him right off his feet with a hug. Now, with her grandson standing nearly six feet tall, the roles have certainly been reversed.
Connection to Cardigan
The Pfeffers had to admit that they had never heard of Cardigan Mountain School before their daughter, Melinda, and her husband, Paul, decided to send their (then) 11-year-old son, Myles, to us for sixth grade. Since then they have become some of the School’s most dedicated fans, and when they began to see the positive effect Cardigan had on their grandson’s report cards, it became important to the Pfeffers that he remain at the School for the whole experience. Myles joined a fortunate “fraternity” of Cardigan alumni, the “four-year boys,” when he graduated in June of 2013.

A strong relationship with an independent school is not a new concept to the Pfeffers, particularly from within Linda’s side of the family. Both her grandfather and father were alumni of The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey (Classes of 1908 and 1934, respectively), along with 20-plus other members of her extended family. In fact, Lawrenceville’s impressive Bunn Library, funded by the family and opened in 1996, is evidence of their long and firm commitment to that school.
Married 58 years, the Pfeffers divide their time now between their Cape Cod home and another in Naples, Florida. Linda is the co-founder of the “League Club,” a spinoff of the Junior League, which now has over 600 members in the Naples, Florida area working in charitable activities. John—far from retired—keeps regular summer hours at the Cape Cod National Golf Club he founded in 1998, and is an active investor in two venture capital firms each with exciting new products in development.
Mr. and Mrs. Pfeffer have shown their gratitude for the experience Myles has had at Cardigan by making a naming gift to the Cardigan Commons project that was completed in 2013. On choosing to support the Pfeffer- Beach Family Student Store, they have signaled their pride in what Myles has accomplished at Cardigan, as well as their faith in the School to continue to provide boys with an outstanding place to learn and grow.
“We thought it would be a wonderful thing for him,” said Hug-a-Me, with more than a little love in her tone.
Written by Joy Clancy P’17, this article was originally published in Cardigan’s Alumni Magazine, the Cardigan Chronicle.